Support customers in Slack Connect with Auto Case Create from Message Posts

Support customers in Slack Connect with minimal impact to your existing team and processes with Centro's automatic creation of Cases from Slack Messages posting.
I have a crystal ball – suddenly customers are demanding that you support them in Slack Connect. Why? It’s where they are working day in and day out, and it’s super convenient. They have a direct line to their vendor or partner and get highly responsive answers to their questions. Let me also predict the other side of that coin: You have a bunch of support processes built to handle the more traditional avenues of support: email, phone, maybe chat bots on the website, and maybe SMS. Now here comes Slack Connect, another way to blow up all of the round robin queues, response time metrics and everything else, and the tooling in Slack is a free-for-all.
Let see further: your team is now having to monitor not just a couple of channels, but maybe even dozens or hundreds of them. This causes your team major disruption: who handles what? How often do we need to check Slack versus other inbound channels? What Slack Connect channels are a priority because they paid for premium support, and which ones should have a slower response time?How do we tie them back to Salesforce, and more importantly, how do we ensure nothing ever gets dropped?
Centro is leading the way here, and this article will describe 3 methods for dealing with Slack Connect inbound questions – and no, you’ll never have to train the customers on anything! They just type in and send a message. These are:
- Automatically open a Form, and let user fill in the details.
- Automatically create a Case, and using CentroAI, fill in as many details of the case as possible
- Deflect the Case using Centro AI, giving an answer of exactly the articles you want to expose, and if they aren’t satisfied, still create a case in one of the 2 methods above.
Let’s review in detail all three methods!
Automatically open a Form:
Using this method, the Slack Connect customer will simply type their message into Slack, and configuring Centro to allow detection oft hese messages, provide a Form for the customer to fill out. Don’t worry, we can feed their original message into the Centro Form, so as to not frustrate them. Centro can detect things like their user name and email, and pre-fill those into the Centro form either in a hidden field or exposed; your choice.You may want them to provide other key data points, like which Product or date of incident, all pulling from the structure you already have set up inSalesforce. They can even upload files, screenshots, or photos right on the form, or, in the thread – your choice. Finally, Centro will start a thread on that original message, optionally displaying the Case details to the user, and agents can chime in the thread as well, all while not disrupting the main channel conversation. Train your agents to live in Slack? Nah – they can workin Salesforce or Slack, whatever you prefer. Our Live Link shows the active thread conversation directly in the Salesforce record (not like a heavy Swarm or unnecessary Salesforce seats). Any actions like Case Status can be relayed directly to the thread, just like sending an email status update.
Automatically Create a Case (optionally with Centro AI)
Is the form method too burdensome for the user, or they’re just skipping it? You still want to record that as a Case so we don’t lose track of it, right? This time, instead of displaying a Form, we’re sending an event behind the scenes to Salesforce to automatically create a Case, start at thread, and have all the goodness described above. Now, it can of course just create a case and not fill in any of the fields except the very basic ones. But maybe it’s time to get a little fancy and try to fill in some of those crucial business logic fields that drive outcomes like product and urgency. All good –using Centro AI, we feed the message in, and with a bit of declarative tinkering, Centro can start to fill in those details. Here’s an example: “I’musing my satellite phone in another country, and it cannot connect and giving me an error. I need to make a call in the next hour – help!” – Product using AI: Satellite phone. Issue: Connection. Severity: High. Try it yourself –you’ll be blown away!
Deflect a Case using Centro AI
This method is very attractive for those that want to keep a human agent from low tiered work for as long as possible, and is very effective– enterprise customers are seeing deflection rates of 83% for cases that should be resolved by AI! Here’s how it works: the triggering mechanism is the same as the above methods: users simply type their question into Slack. From there, we use what are called Embeddings – these are your business data that you’d like to be used for AI deflections. You can feed it anything you’d like – external support site, PDFs, even previous Slack thread and Cases data that may prove useful in resolving problems. Then decide who you’d like to expose it to –specific roles, users, or even globally. Turn it on, and you’re all set. CentroAI will only use that data to respond to a customer. No crazy Agents to tailor fit. No endless prompt writing or flow writing to get a ChatGPT like experience to do something useful like prevent an Agent from working a case.Simple, pragmatic, effective. And, if the customer doesn’t like the answer? No problem, you can configure the Form or Auto case creation methods described above.
Some common questions we hear: Does it do every message in the channel? Well – that’s a bit up to you frankly. Out of the box, yes, and we hear lots of customers say they want exactly that. They’d rather risk too many cases being created than missing a single one. But don’t fret – we can help you configure it so it’s more nuanced. Maybe you only want it working for specific channels. Or maybe you only want it for premium channels where the customer paid for that service. All good – we’ll help you out, just ask our team! Does the AI put my company at risk? We don’t believe so – we’re SOC 2 Type II certified, we treat our customer data with the upmost seriousness and security.
Ready to see for yourself? Book a demo today!